Computerized Axial Tomography is a three dimensional image of a cross section of the body made with x-rays that is useful for diagnosing disease.
Computerized Axial Tomography is a three dimensional image of a cross section of the body made with x-rays that is useful for diagnosing disease.
Abdomen and Pelvis exams require a light laxative the night before the exam. No Food or drink after midnight the night prior to your appointment. The day of the exam you will drink a barium contrast and if required you may need an I.V. contrast.
For I.V. Contrast please read the following:
History of allergies to food, medication or x-ray dye?
History of kidney failure, diabetes or renal dysfunction?
History of hives, rashes, breathing problems or asthma?
If you take diabetic medication you must contact the facility prior to your exam. You may be asked to stop the medication for a period of time for injection contrast. Your physician will have to give you a blood test to assure proper renal function before resuming your medication.
Bring Asthma Inhaler to your exam.
Non-contrast studies usually require no preparation.